Life After Harry Potter
Life After H P

About “Life After Harry Potter” About “Life After Harry Potter”

Why a Website?

The inspiration for this site was the repeated requests on Yahoo Answers by Harry Potter fans for good books in the same vein.  It reached the point where, several times a day, I would copy the same answer from my text editor to answer the same question. I realized that a web site that could be shared among Harry Potter fans was the solution.

How Did I Choose These Books?

My list is the result of 30 years of reading fantasy.  I have left out some very good books because they were only very good.  The books that I have included in my list here are the best, all “excellent.” It is by no means comprehensive, and I expect to add additional works as I receive input from visitors to my site.

Site Design Details

My philosophy of web site design follows these general principles:

  1. Make the site so it can be viewed by as many people as possible, no matter what hardware or software they are using.
  2. Make the site well-organized and pleasant to view.
  3. Make the site easy to navigate.

To help attain these goals, I do the following:

Submission Engine

I have found the submission engine below to be the most effective free submission engine available (submits your web page to the most sites).

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Free website search engine submission seo optimization

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Copyright © 2007-2008 by James E. Pettis